Computer Graphics
In today’s world, a good picture is worth more than a thousand words. The importance of design and graphics is so much that we can dare to say that in the coming years, we will see that film will give way to animation and motion graphics. Designing an illustrative picture can easily pin your information to the mind of the audience and have a significant impact on the audience’s view of your brand. By bringing together, the ideators and creative and experienced designers in the field of graphic design and animation, Ahange Tasvir creates the visual identity of different brands and conveys their message to the target audience. Obviously, the effort of Ahange Tasvir design team is to create a different and lasting image of your brand in the mind of the audience, and in this regard, relying on the creativity and expertise of its personnel and using advanced design tools, provides the following services:
• Brand Design and Visual Identity
• Sign Design
Statuette Design
• Environmental advertising
• Billboard
• Character Design
• Brochure
• Packaging Design
• Promo Design Pack
• Graphic Design – Office Paper Set
• Pictogram Design
Pictogram Design
Computer Graphics
Computer Special Effects
• Two-Dimensional
• Three-Dimensional
Motion Graphics
Creating a 360-degree virtual tour
Color Correction